Monday, 12 September 2011

New academic year, revamped music library

The 2011/12 academic year is nearly upon us and, with it, come several changes. First of all, welcome to our new Music@The Bodleian blog! The driving force behind this has mainly been the need to improve our communication channels but we have also been inspired by the efforts of our opposite numbers in Cambridge whose MusiCB3 blog has made interesting reading over the last few months. Our occasional postings will chiefly be aimed at the users of our libraries but we hope that some of them might be of interest to the wider world. We are going to be posting here about any changes to and developments in the library services for music, projects that we're involved in and the music collections that the Bodleian Libraries have to offer. You can follow our new Twitter feed @Bodleian_Music to find out when we've written a new post or you can subscribe via email to make sure that you don't miss any of our news. The Faculty Library also still has a Facebook page.

Though the Bodleian Music Faculty Library was closed for most of August, the library staff were working away doing vital jobs that would have been impossible to do had the library been open. One of the biggest undertakings was the rearrangement of the first floor to enable the Library of Congress sequence to grow in the new academic year as we buy new books (keep an eye on our LibraryThing page for details of new acquisitions) and reclassify some other sections of the library. The move has resulted in all of the scores on that floor being shelved to your left as you walk through the door from the staircase and the Library of Congress sequence being moved to where the Periodicals used to be. Here is a downloadable map of the new layout. This is why we couldn't do the book move with the library open:

Meanwhile, the photocopying room has had a makeover. We now have new, faster machines, the room has been painted and we've had a new carpet. We think it's a massive improvement and hope you agree!


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